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With your host Gtars 

Welcome to this month's edition of Odyssey of Oddities Over the past several month's we have been discussing UFO's. Time for a new subject for a change of pace.. so how about DISEMBODIED SPIRITS

I have not really done a formal article on this subject as of yet, so I guess that it is about time to talk about the subject. I have had many of my readers, share their stories on the discussion board, and those are always appreciated greatly. I hope that they will keep adding them as time goes along.

What is a ghost or a spirit? I suppose the easiest way to say it, is that they are disembodied dead people right? This is most often the case, but wait just a minute! Not always!

One interesting case took place near Chicago Illinois in which a woman dreamed about a house. It seemed that her and her husband had been looking for homes for quite some time. One night she had a dream that she toured this wonderful home. It was every- thing that she wanted in a home. The dream seemed all to real to the woman, but she didn't think anything more about it. The next day, her husband and her were driving about looking for homes again, when in a panic, she stopped her husband.

She was in total amazement as the home that they were now in front of was the same one as the dream she had the night before. The two of them went up to the door, and knocked to see if the home was for sale. The woman who answered the door turned white as a sheet as she began saying that "you are the woman that I saw a spirit of in my home last night". Out of total shock, the woman ended up selling the home to the couple.

This just goes to show you though, that not all ghosts are of dead people. This story was featured on television, and I thought it was rather interesting. It kind of makes you wonder if some other "ghosts" are similar in nature to this. Some schools are apparently haunted by the ghosts of children playing in the yard and noises can be heard of them walking and talking in the halls etc. My question would be this... Obviously not all of these children died in this school, and it would seem to the observer that it was a normal day of school being re-enacted through some "place memory" category. It has been said that there is "place memory" where certain events replay over and over again from the past.

 So when I dream of being back in High School again (which I do on occasion), does this mean that if someone was at the school, they would see my "spirit" walking the halls of the school at that moment in time? This would be similar to the woman in Chicago wouldn't it?

It is very hard to differentiate then when it comes to ghosts etc. Some may be dead people's energy caught in an endless loop that they can't seem to get out of, and other sightings could be of people that can project their "spirit" to other places while asleep. Have I confused you enough yet?

I suppose the bottom line here is that we all must have a "spirit" energy that operates independently of the body. All too often, people claim out of body experiences, and at times have even been seen out of their body by other individuals.

We have all been taught since we were little, that ghosts are not real and then when something challenges our belief system, we have to re-examine that belief system to incorporate new thinking patterns. It is hard for atheists to accept this possibility. For all they know, they are only animals that happened to gain some form of consciousness for their short stay on this planet. When an atheist passes away, so too does their consciousness and there is no spiritual place for them to reside in later. They seemingly go into total nothingness. I would only add this for you atheists.. There isn't such a thing as "nothing".

Think about it. What is truly nothing? Space is something.. Darkness is something.. A vacuum is something. Clear is also something. Invisible matter is also something. So dear atheists, since there isn't really such a thing as "nothing" how can you end up being nothing when you die? Along these lines, don't ever answer that you are doing nothing! You are sitting, standing, breathing and your heart is pumping. You are doing something even if you think you aren't!

In a similar way, nothing can truly be destroyed right? You can alter the properties of something, but you can't truly destroy it. You can burn it, you can blow it up, but it still exists as either ash or pieces right? Energy works in the same way. It really can't be destroyed. It can be altered, but that is the best that you can do. Once energy has been created, it can't be destroyed entirely. It can be converted but not destroyed. Think about it!

I will conclude by saying that until someone proves that there is "nothing", I will have to conclude that with all evidence that has been presented, that our energy survives death in a spiritual form. Sometimes this "energy" is seen by us. Sometimes the energy of our spirits can actually travel around when we are still living also! I can't prove this, but I also can't disprove it either. As long as there is something...I will have to believe in spiritual beings...after all it is an odd place out there sometimes.. Gtars said it.

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