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Welcome back to Oddysey of Oddities This Month we will be examining:

UFO's through History

Okay, so the modern man has only been exposed to ufo's since the 1947 encounter of Kenneth Arnold over Mount Ranier right? If that is what you want to think, then perhaps you or others just weren't paying attention before this date. History is filled with UFO encounters and the like way ahead of 1947. Kenneth Arnold's encounter with the things that "looked like a saucer skipping across the water" was just the first big press release on the subject. It's not that it was the first time anyone had seen something strange in the air, but rather the first time our technology could broadcast the event and make it famous. The term "flying saucer" was actually coined from Kenneth Arnolds event. One reporter took his description of "looked like a saucer skipping across water", and then made it "flying saucer".

Back in ancient Egypt, they had a different term to associate with the phenomenon. They referred to them as looking like a "giant shield". To the egyptians, they looked like a battle shield that was flying in the air. One of the pharoahs even made note in the records of the time when he and his men observed the "giant shield" in the sky.

It seems as though ufo's have been around as long as we have been. Ancient cave paintings in France show a hunting party out doing their daily hunt, and in the sky they painted disc like objects that were apparently flying above the hunting party. Many scholars have tried to figure out what else the objects in the painting could be, but no one has any other rational explanation. So they remain un-identified flying objects in the painting.

From the cave paintings, we can jump ahead to the 12th century and 13th century and observe that things were indeed flying around then as well. One painting in Italy in a church shows the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. The painting also shows over her left shoulder, a ufo like object in the sky behind her in the distance. Oddly enough, there is even a spectator and his dog in the painting looking up at the mysterious object. Another painting from Germany suggests that one city was witness to an aerial battle between two factions over their city. The painting shows white and black spheres battling above their city streets. This battle went on for hours and the residents were afraid that it was the end of the world. They had never been exposed to flying machines before, let alone a battle between them over their city.

Many suggest many stories in the Bible have ufo themes. Ezekial saw the wheel. A Nasa engineer took Ezekials encounter and developed a UFO to match what Ezekial was trying to describe. In reality I couldn't quite pull the same thing out of reading the book, but to each his own. It is easy to put ufo association to some of the stories in the Bible, but I won't get into those in any detail.

There was also a battle fought by the British in Africa, if memory serves me correctly, in which the British were either retreating or mounting an offensive. One thing is that they were moving from one position to another, that part is clear. The valley which they were moving into was covered with a very thick fog. The British went into the fog, and never came back out the other side, or any other side for that matter. They were being watched on nearly all sides from the surrounding hilltops. When the fog lifted, they were not there! They just vanished never to be seen again. The reason that this story is mentioned here is that many ufo stories involve them using fog as "cover". So just perhaps, they were all abducted way back then.

UFO's were also seen throughout the 1800's in America. There were cases in which flying ships were seen and actually landed.

UFO stories are plentiful throughout the ages. Kenneth Arnold's story started the modern age of ufo's, but his event was not the first by any means. It seems as though ufo's have been around for as long as we have been. If you study ufo's of ancient times, you may come to the conclusion that it is not a 20th century phenomenon. The only difference that we have had in the 20th century is the ability to broadcast news to all parts of the world. Our forefathers did not have that ability, so stories were more confined to regional areas. Now that we can send news in an instant, it is much easier to get a "big picture" of what is happening globally. It wasn't always like that.

The ufo phenomenon exists in almost all cultures of the world. From Indian to Ancient Egypt, it is just a part of our world. Many people would like to think that we are alone on our planet however, we may not be alone, and we may have always had someone observing us. Unfortunately, we can't ask the painters what it was that they were painting, and why they did it. It's an odd place out there sometimes.. We may never know.

If you have any opinion on this subject or have a paranormal story to share, please go to the discussion board and post it for us.


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