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Welcome back to Oddysey of Oddities This time we will be examining:


 The Marfa Lights

Marfa Texas is in one of the most out of the way places to be found in these United States. Marfa is technically not close to anywhere and is in southwestern to south Central texas, if that makes any sense. The city is not very large by any means, and you may not even pay any attention to the town if it wasn't for the mysterious lights that have appeared for such a long time. The Marfa lights are another one of those phenomenon that no one seems to be able to explain to anyone's satisfaction. These lights appear out in the valley's and sometimes on the sides of the hills as well. There is no specific time other than evening that they appear. In other words, you have a good chance of seeing them in the evening just after sundown, but not on any regular basis, or on any certain night of the week. These lights appear out of thin air and are of many different colors. They would appear to be anywhere between the size of a baseball, to perhaps even basketball sized at times. Mostly they are round in shape. The colors do vary a bit on these lights. They blink on out of thin air and then blink back out. Sometimes they hover around the area for a bit, or they may move to and fro also. They have been photographed and videotaped quite often. As always, there are lame explanations from skeptics and people who can't believe that anything out of the ordinary could possibly exist. "They are car headlights in the distance". That is one of the explanations that some use to make themselves feel at peace with themselves. The funny part about that is that the lights have been appearing for longer than car headlights even existed! The coloration described and shown is not consistent with car headlights either. If car headlights maneuvered up and down and in circles rather quickly, I would wonder how the cars were able to fly in circles in the sky. That would be neater to see than the Marfa lights I think. The reality is that they have been seen for as long as any humans can remember. Native Americans told of the strange lights in the area, when the white men first arrived. The Native Americans did not like to be in that area either. So this is a genuine phenomenon that even you can go investigate if you have some traveling money and some extra time on your hands. There are no guarantees that they will appear while you are there, but there is also the possibility that they just might. What are these lights? The new popular scientific all encompassing wonder theory is that they are "earth lights". Earth lights are generated by forces inside of the crust of the earth. Tectonic plates rubbing together create friction which then produces light and then ejects from the earth in the form of a ball. While it is true that lights can be generated from friction, there is also no scientific method to prove how stored light energy from friction can form into a ball and eject itself from the earth. So even though the hotshots are telling us how it is formed, they can't duplicate it and make it behave in the manner that it does. So it is ironic that we listen to people who offer up the resolution to the problem, but yet can't really even prove or duplicate it either. I am not trying to bash scientists here, but they are so quick to offer explanations with almost nothing to back it up. I want to see how their theory works! Show me!!! I had the luck to see such an event one time and wrote about it in my very first odyssey article. Our archived articles are not able to be viewed any longer on the site, but the encounter I described was very similar to the Marfa Lights phenomenon. It happened late at night or early morning hours, and was quite exciting indeed. The way that this happened, I could almost verify the scientists theory. It shot up out of the ground in a field near the roadway. The large green luminous ball was about grapefruit sized. The weather was minus ten degrees at the time and in the middle of nowhere in Iowa at 3:00 am or so. It wasn't a flare, and it wasn't a ufo. It was probably an earthlight, but this one acted how I would expect an earthlight to act. It didn't hover, or move in strange ways. It simply shot up from the earth itself, and came out of the dirt in the field. Since it illuminated the whole area momentarily, I made a point to look at where it came from. There was nothing there, only dirt. It rose a hundred feet or so and arched slightly then blinked out almost as quickly as it had come into view. The field was flat as a pancake. There was no one there to create it. The view was excellent of the field from which it came. In fact the event happened only a few hundred feet from the car in which I and a friend were driving at the time. It was just ahead of us and to the left. We could see the entire field when it lit the area up. There was nothing but dirt in the field. The Marfa lights are a bit different than my encounter. These lights hover and stay illuminated for minutes at a time. They don't shoot out of the ground either. They can fire up right out of thin air! They hover and dance around at times also. So what are they? Gosh, I don't know, but it's an odd place out there sometimes isn't it? Gtars said it..


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