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Why it's so important to drink lots of water

Water prevents urinary tract, bladder, and kidney infections.

Right now your pregnant body is  producing extra amounts of estrogen and progesterone, two hormones that help nurture your fetus and prepare you for childbirth. These hormones are one of the  reasons you feel like you need to pee so much. They effect both the bladder and the kidney. When urine sits in the bladder too long it can cause infections which you are more prone to while pregnant. Drinking more water helps encourage the frequent urination. YES this is a good thing as it helps rid the body of bacteria rather then letting it sit.

Water prevents pre-term contractions

When the body is dehydrated, the brain releases an anti-diuretic hormone very similar to pitocin, a hormone that speeds up labour. When your dehydrated your body can trick itself into thinking its time to give birth and trigger contractions.

Water carries nutrients to your baby

enough said.

Water keeps helps avoid consitpation

also enough said.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends drinking at least six 6 to 8 ounce glasses of water a day during pregnancy in addition to other non-caffeinated fluids. You need even more in hot weather, when you exercise, and when you find yourself in higher altitudes or dry climates.